
bdla starts founder forum for young landscape architects

Foto: Gerd Altmann auf Pixabay

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Further building block for the promotion of young talent in the association

With the "Founders' Forum", the bdla launches a further offer for collegial advice and the discussion of current issues among each other. At the same time the federal association makes an important contribution with this on-line communication platform in things "new generation advertisement, - promotion and - connection".

The Founders' Forum serves to intensify the supra-regional exchange of experience among young landscape architects and start-ups. The aim is to intensify the network in the association, which is supported by the idea of mentoring.

It is our aim to help young graduates on their way to self-employment and to arouse interest in active participation in the association.

Franz Reschke

"It is our goal to help young graduates on their way to self-employment and to continue, of course, to arouse interest in active participation in the association," says Franz Reschke (37), office owner, member of the bdla presidium and head of the Young Landscape Architects Working Group in the bdla. "The exchange among each other is helpful and valuable. Why should everyone repeat the mistakes of the other? By reaching out to the young, the bdla also gains appeal to graduates and those starting their careers."

Interested bdla members can register and participate directly online in the members area. Young landscape architects who are not members of bdla can also be included in the forum and write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if they are interested.

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