Planning offices asked for cooperation
Even if the shortage of skilled workers is currently somewhat neglected in the public perception, the lack of young professionals is clearly felt in many planning offices.
For years, landscape architects in rural regions as well as in many large cities have reported the increasingly difficult situation of filling vacancies in their offices. As a rule, engineers/graduates of landscape architecture courses who meet the content requirements for chamber eligibility are sought. Either it takes a very long time to find a professionally qualified applicant who will actually take the job. Or the office owners have to make concessions in the qualification of the new hires, be it that technical competences are missing or that applicants from abroad still have to acquire the necessary German language skills.

In order to substantiate the actual situation in planning offices with figures, the bdla working group on training has initiated a survey on the need for skilled workers. The survey will determine how many engineers in the offices will retire in the foreseeable future and how high the number of vacancies is in relation to the total number of employees. The survey also asks where the difficulties lie in recruiting qualified staff for project work.
The survey is a component of the bdla activities for the recruitment and promotion of new staff, which are continuously discussed and further developed in the association. Last year, the training working group had already surveyed the number of first-year students and graduates of landscape architecture courses between 2013 and 2018. The results of both surveys are to be evaluated in conjunction and then published.
The bdla is now calling on all freelance colleagues to participate. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete. All data are raised anonymously. The deadline for participation is 01.11.2020.
Association of German Landscape Architects bdla
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin
Tel. 030 27 87 15-0, Fax 030 27 87 15-55
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