
bdla orientation aids for the HOAI 2021

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New online documents on various topics on questions of fees developed and published.

With the entry into force of the HOAI 2021 on 1 January 2021, binding minimum and maximum rates for services provided by architects and engineers are history. Although the HOAI remains state law, it now only has an orienting character. In the amendment of 2021, so-called orientation values with fee ranges between the basic fee rate and an upper fee rate are shown. These correspond to the previous minimum and maximum rates.

The now free compatibility of fees means that freelance landscape architects have to calculate their fee offers on a business basis and compete with colleagues on performance and price. Landscape architect Dieter Pfrommer, publicly appointed and sworn expert for fees for landscape architects, has taken the initiative in this situation and drafted so-called "Orientation aids for HOAI 2021". These new online documents contain pertinent facts and clarifications on specific circumstances of the new pricing law.

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The following documents have already been published:

Orientation guide 01 - On the "correct" fee table of the service profile landscape conservation accompanying plan.

Guideline02 - Which fee for the local construction supervision of engineering structures and traffic facilities?

Guidance03 - How to deal in future with the special case in the HOAI for pedestrian areas.

Guideline04 - On the seriousness of the situation with the table values for the service profiles of area planning as well as the environmental impact study.

Further orientation aids to questions of the remuneration in accordance with HOAI 2021 are in work or are planned.

The orientation aids of the bdla in connection with the HOAI 2021 do not release the contractors from the necessity of calculating fees, but they can be an aid for freelance landscape architects and especially for younger colleagues in determining fees. At the same time, they are a valuable argumentation aid for fee negotiations with clients. For example, it is not clear to everyone that all table values of area planning, which are not linked to chargeable costs but to chargeable areas or allocation units of areas, are not adapted to the general market and cost development.

The demands of the bdla as well as the profession-representing chambers to the amendment of the HOAI 2021 to adapt the values of the fee tables of the area planning, which have already remained unchanged for eight years, to the development of costs and workload, remained unheard and are postponed. Here the bdla would like to clear up and inform.

The orientation aids are to the members on to the Download at the disposal.

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