
bdla orientation guide and online seminar on the remuneration of services when applying the BKompV

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The Association of German Landscape Architects (Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten) has published a current orientation guide with information on remuneration in the application of the Federal Compensation Ordinance. It is aimed equally at project developers, licensing authorities and providers of planning services.

© Luftbild Klaus Leidorf

The Federal Compensation Ordinance (BKompV), which has recently become applicable, sets uniform nationwide standards for the impact regulation for certain projects. The corresponding practical implementation of the BKompV in planning is associated with considerable technical and legal challenges. The (additional) effort resulting from the BKompV requires a precise contractual agreement and remuneration. Against this background, the current orientation guide published by the bdla aims to provide assistance for clients and contractors. It defines the special services to be expected and assigns them to the service phases of the LBP.

This publication can be downloaded here free of charge.

Online seminar of the bdla on the BKompV on 21 April 2021

On 21 April 2021, the author team of the orientation aid will provide information on the new notes on the BKompV in an online seminar. The competent planning practitioners explain, among other things, the determination of the required services per service phase, the reference to the regulations of the ordinance and the basis in terms of price law according to HOAI.

Seminar content and speakers:

Contents, structure and application of the bdla guidelines. Kerstin Berg, Bielfeldt + Berg Landscape Planning, Hamburg

Service profiles and the special services in area/environmental planning - classification in terms of pricing law. Peter Hermanns, TGP Trüper Gondesen Partner mbB, Lübeck

Determination and calculation of special services in the application of the BKompV.
Klaus Müller-Pfannenstiel, Bosch & Partner GmbH │ Munich │ Herne │ Hanover │ Berlin

Discussion of the information on the concrete application "Replacement of a 380 kV overhead line".
Helge Herbst, FUGMANN JANOTTA und PARTNER mbB, Berlin

Seminar participation is free of charge.

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