
(Re)building regulations for climate-neutral building now!

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Architects for Future and bdla call for open space design plan

The Architects for Future A4F movement is calling for an amendment to the building code with the aim of drastically reducingCO2 emissions from the construction sector in an open letter to the Conference of Building Ministers. Their proposals, which have been compiled in a so-called model (re)building code, range from advantages for building in existing buildings to the abolition of the parking space requirement for cars and the permission to install used materials.

According to A4F's assessment, a climate-neutral building sector, which is currently responsible for 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, is only feasible if the building stock is revitalized, the resources "space" and "material" are treated with greater respect, and the building sector becomes recyclable. At present, there are still many obstacles to this, in particular the legal framework conditions. The model building code should be further developed into a model (re)building code. In addition to the bdla, around 20 other associations from the construction industry are calling for a "Building Turnaround NOW!

On the initiative of the bdla, the qualified open space design plan has found its way into the proposals for a model (re)building code as a mandatory component of the building application. Against the background of redensification and high building densities in many cities, the qualification of open spaces is becoming increasingly important. The obligatory open space design plan is an important instrument to meet the demands of usage pressure and climate change.

The A4F initiative stands in solidarity with the Fridays for Future movement; it includes people working in and with the construction industry. A4F is committed to limiting global warming to a maximum of 1.5° and to sustainable change in the building industry.

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