
BIM in landscape architecture

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Online seminar of the bdla on 8 September 2021

Building Information Modeling, or BIM for short, is playing an increasingly important role as a planning method in landscape architecture. Although most construction projects have been digitally drawn for a long time and project management, AVA and other software is used, the captured data remains trapped in separate systems. With BIM, on the other hand, a central data structure of the construction object, including a three-dimensional model, is set up and managed. In this way, BIM allows for a holistic view of the project and its development, taking into account all relevant characteristic data as well as the life cycle of the respective object.

The introduction of BIM poses major challenges for planning offices. In addition to suitable software applications, it requires above all the training of employees and the development of competence in the team. In the online seminar, real project examples are used to systematically explain the integral planning methodology of BIM and to present comprehensible work steps for one's own everyday planning work. Keywords are:

  • Basics of the integral planning methodology BIM
  • Definition and necessity of Big Open BIM
  • Explanation of client information requirements AIA, BIM execution plan (BAP), Level of Development (LOD), CAD-/BIM specifications
  • Software landscape in BIM object planning
  • 3D modelling and 2D plan derivation
  • Attribution, quantity takeoff, costs and tendering using BIM models

The seminar offers the opportunity to discuss individual questions of the participants.

Date: Wednesday, 8 September 2021, 9.15 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Speaker: Matthias Funk, landscape architect bdla, scape landscape architects, Düsseldorf, and head of the bdla working group BIM

Organizer: Association of German Landscape Architects

Sponsor: Computerworks GmbH

Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten bdla
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin
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