25 Years Ago, the bdla moved into the German Architecture Center in Berlin
On October 25, 1996, what had previously become reality on October 1 was celebrated: the relocation of the Association of German Landscape Architects with its office from Bonn to Berlin. For the professional association with a long tradition in the city on the Rhine, it was its sign of the consolidation of Berlin's function as a capital city and its function as the future seat of government.

And it wasn't just a move to the capital into a random office building either, it was moving into business premises in the German Architecture Centre, a unique institution of the country's major architects' and planners' associations, which work together in the broadest sense to shape our living environment. In his opening speech, the then bdla president Teja Trüper emphasized: "We may be self-confident and convinced of ourselves, but we are not so presumptuous as to believe that we can solve the problems of landscape and city alone. And so we hope to be able to contribute to this here at the German Architecture Centre, in the serving will to a sensible-better design of our landscapes and cities."
With over 700 guests - national and international - the bdla celebrated the successful arrival in the former factory building in Berlin's Luisenstadt. The almost treeless exterior of the DAZ was adorned for one day by 60 linden trees, sponsored by German tree nurseries and subsequently planted in Berlin schoolyards.
25 years have passed since then. The city, the Luisenstadt, the German Architecture Center have changed. Significant witnesses of the awakening on the Spree a quarter of a century ago are today the Taut Saal and the Scharoun Saal, the best addresses for exhibitions and discussions on questions of architecture and urban development, as well as the secretariats/ federal offices of the Association of German Architects, the Association of German Interior Architects and the Association of German Landscape Architects.
The bdla has used its "location advantage" at the seat of government to exert its influence on the politics of the Berlin Republic. The planning discipline of landscape architecture has gained in importance and reputation; the solution of the upcoming tasks of society as a whole for securing the future of future generations is unthinkable without landscape architects.
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