Elections to the presidium of the professional association. Timo Herrmann, bbz landscape architects, Berlin, becomes vice president. Thanks to Till Rehwaldt
On April 1, 2022, the advisory board of the Federation of German Landscape Architects bdla elected a new association leadership at its annual meeting at Schloss Dyck. Unanimously, Prof. Stephan Lenzen, owner of RMP Stephan Lenzen Landscape Architects, was elected as the new president of the bdla. The 55-year-old succeeds Till Rehwaldt in office, who has held this office for eight years and whose presidium Prof. Stephan Lenzen belonged to as vice president since 2014.
Timo Herrmann, bbz landschaftsarchitekten berlin gmbh, stood as a new vice president. The members of the advisory board elected him unanimously for the election period of three years.

In his address, Prof. Stephan Lenzen emphasized that the desire for growth is obsolete, and that in the future landscape architecture must be primarily about minimalism and reduction.
This reduced transformation of the environment needs our creativity, needs our imagination, our design.
Prof. Stephan Lenzen
President of the bdla
"It's about thinking in perspective - something that we landscape architects are very familiar with from plant use. Our visions and concepts for cities, urban and rural open spaces, green-blue infrastructure, mobility infrastructure, living and working environments, for parks, gardens and squares will help decide whether people will manage to live more in harmony with the environment." This is a task that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has written into the profession's specifications in its current 3rd Part of the State of the Environment Report, pointing out that cities in particular offer considerable opportunities for reducing emissions, for example through the transformation of transport and living spaces, but also through "improved carbon uptake and storage, for example through trees and green spaces."
Commenting on the profession's performance and its special responsibility in times of climate change, Vice President Timo Herrmann said:
We negotiate and work on future issues: Landscape architecture as a process of change towards greater sustainability.
Timo Herrmann
Vice President of the bdla
He continued, "The issues of the building turnaround to more value, resource conservation as well as ecological concerns must be given greater consideration in our professional field in construction, operation and deconstruction."
Over the next three years, the presidium, under the leadership of Prof. Stephan Lenzen, will
- accelerate the efforts already undertaken to recruit and promote young professionals,
- place climate adaptation and landscape architecture more in an overall societal context and
- advocate for a paradigm shift in planning culture - away from growth and waste of resources towards "creative omission" and ecological turnaround.
As planners, landscape architects are part of the resource-consuming and high CO2-emitting construction sector. The Presidium therefore sees the profession as being challenged to take on a pioneering role in the creation and preservation of resilient living spaces in cooperation with architects and urban planners in a climate-friendly and climate-adapted manner.
Presidium (March 2022)
President: Stephan Lenzen, fr. landscape architect, Bonn
Vice President: Irene Burkhardt, fr. landscape architect, Munich
Vice President: Timo Herrmann, fr. landscape architect, Berlin
Treasurer: Jens Henningsen, fr. Landscape architect, Berlin
Assessors: Gudrun Rentsch, fr. landscape architect, Kitzingen, and
Franz Reschke, fr. landscape architect, Berlin
Federation of German landscape architects bdla
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin
Tel. 030 27 87 15-0, Fax 030 27 87 15-55
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