Construction meeting and reception on September 15. Exhibition German Landscape Architecture Award 2021 and current publications.
From September 14 to 17, 2022, the now 24th GaLaBau exhibition will take place in Nuremberg. The demand for products and services related to the design, construction and maintenance of greenery is constantly increasing. So is modern man's longing for nature and urban green spaces. Green stands for more quality of life, for more quality of stay. This is why the bdla is presenting itself and the profession of landscape architects for the third time in a row at the leading international trade fair for planning, construction and maintenance of urban and green spaces at its own stand in Hall 3A.
Further education/expansion of knowledge or exchange of experience and information is the main reason for a third of the visitors to the trade fair. The bdla orients its commitment to this in 2022 and dedicates each day of the fair to a thematic focus, supported by external as well as experts from the association. In addition, it presents the winning works from the competition German Landscape Architecture Award 2021 for the first time after the award ceremony on May 13, 2022.
bdla building meeting and reception in Hall 3A
Landscape architecture and rules and regulations "dominate" the 2nd day of the fair. Tom Kirsten, newly elected bdla spokesman for construction technology and standards, will lead the audience through the "fabulous world of rules and regulations" together with three speakers during the traditional bdla construction meeting. At the half-day training event, which is being held in cooperation with the Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau BGL (Federal Association of Garden, Landscape and Sports Ground Construction) and the company Vestre, the focus will be on successful paths to the digital future of landscape architecture with BIM processes, the open space design plan, stairs in open spaces, and the development of a sustainable drainage construction method. Thursday will end with a reception, to which bdla and NürnbergMesse invite you to the bdla stand in Hall 3A.

On Saturday (17.09.), experience shows that numerous private visitors are on the trail of technical innovations, plant novelties and the profession in the exhibition halls. Oriented to this clientele, the bdla will present for the first time the Pixi booklet "Landscape architect Lena plans a park for all", published by the association and due to appear in September 2022. With the Pixi booklet the occupation of the Landschaftsarchitekt:innen is to be introduced to children of the age group four to seven years playfully. And naturally the federation aims with the publication also at (large) parents, brothers and sisters, Erzieher:innen and all those persons, who are read out and made over this way with the Profession and their achievements familiar.
Federation of German landscape architects bdla
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin
Tel. 030 27 87 15-0, Fax 030 27 87 15-55
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