bdla advisory board met on 1.4.2022 at Schloss Dyck. Initiative open space design plan, gender-equitable bdla and elections.
After two years of digital-only meetings, the members of the bdla Advisory Board met at Schloss Dyck near Jüchen on April 1, 2022, where they were welcomed by Thomas Dietrich, Chairman of the bdla North Rhine-Westphalia Regional Group, and Jens Spanjer, Chairman of the Schloss Dyck Foundation.

bdla President Till Rehwald informed in his President's Report about the two central fields of the Presidium's work, the political-professional space ("outside") and the association ("inside"). He was satisfied that the new federal government, measured by the coalition agreement, has a great interest in the subject areas of landscape architecture. He it also in the future for a main task to proactively initiate processes in the implementation of climate adaptation and climate protection. For the near future, he also held out the prospect of a campaign on the topic of "open space design plan". In the second focus area, the development of ideas and instruments for the promotion of young people was emphasized, which are implemented through a variety of activities, e.g. offers for foreign interested parties ("Welcome class") and also for lateral entrants ("Green Basics Academy"). He also reiterated the call for more training centers in metropolitan areas. With regard to the recruitment and promotion of young professionals, the use of new media formats will continue to be of outstanding importance for the profession in the future.
Member development
The bdla lives, that made bdla Federal managing director Mario Kahl clear, from the large commitment of its members. And that also their number rises optimistically. The federation counts altogether 1379 members; of it 730 Freischaffende, 365 employed and/or civil servant Landschaftsarchitekt:innen and 143 junior members. In addition to the steady growth in freelance members, the rising numbers of junior members are encouraging.
Gender-fair bdla
In large agreement the request "update gender-fair bdla - equal chances, variety and inclusion" was accepted. In the future, the gender-equitable spelling of the association's name is to be expressed by a gender colon: Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen bdla. the spelling will also be implemented in the association logo.

In the bdla, accompanied by a working group Gendergerechter bdla now a process is started to promote gender justice and diversity internally and externally. This includes, among other things, examining the representation of the sexes in association committees, the naming of committees/of events, and gender-sensitive language in association publications. The association is also committed to ensuring that the requirements for gender-appropriate and diversity-sensitive processes, participation and planning are taken into account in practical professional practice, in competitions and tenders, and in landscape architecture in general, and that these requirements are also implemented in practice.
At the advisory board meeting, Till Rehwaldt resigned his mandate after 13 years of presidium work, including 2 years as vice president and eight years as president. From a technical point of view, his presidential years in particular were characterized by the discussions on green-blue infrastructures. He took advantage of the associated opportunities by directly linking landscape architecture with this scientific and practical planning paradigm. His commitment in the political arena, among other things, to the consistent observance of the Green and White Papers also characterized his work.

Prof. Stephan Lenzen, owner of RMP Stephan Lenzen Landscape Architects, was unanimously elected as the new president of the bdla. The 55-year-old has already been a member of the presidium since 2014 as vice president. After training as a gardener and working in Italy and France, he studied landscape architecture at the GHS Essen from 1993 to 1997. In 1999, he started at the office RMP Landschaftsarchitekten, Bonn, which he took over as owner in 2004 and which now has offices in Cologne, Hamburg, Mannheim and Berlin. Prof. Stephan Lenzen has worked and continues to work in design advisory boards of various cities; since 2006 he has been a member of the expert committee of the Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia. In 2015, he began teaching at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences in the Department of Architecture / Urban Design; in 2021, he was appointed honorary professor at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences. In addition, Prof. Stephan Lenzen is active as a judge in numerous competition proceedings.
As new vice-president Timo Herrmann, bbz landschaftsarchitekten, Berlin ran for office. The members of the advisory board elected him unanimously for the election period of three years. After studying landscape architecture at the TU Berlin and at Leeds Metropolitan University, he obtained his diploma in object planning at the TU Berlin in 2001. He then gained initial professional experience as a freelancer in various landscape architecture firms before Timo Herrmann became co-founder of bbz landschaftsarchitekten, a binational network of planners with offices in Germany and Switzerland, in 2004. In parallel, he worked as a research assistant at the University of Kassel. Since 2013, he has been managing director of bbz landschaftsarchitekten berlin gmbh and also works as an expert and adjudicator. In 2017 he joined the bdla and represents it since 2019 in the DIN standards committee for civil engineering
The advisory board elected Steffi Schüppel, a long-standing member of the bdla working group of the same name, to the office of international affairs spokesperson. Already during her studies at the HTW Dresden (FH) she was drawn abroad to get to know the fields of activity of landscape architects, the planning and building culture in the open space also in other countries. In 2004, she completed the IMLA International Master of Landscape Architecture, at that time as a part-time course of study at the FH Weihenstephan, the FH Nürtingen and the FH Rapperswil (CH). After several years of further experience abroad in Switzerland and Italy, she has been living and working in Dresden again since 2014 and runs the office CATTANEO | SCHÜPPEL together with her partner Matteo Cattaneo. In 2001 she joined the bdla as a guest member; since 2010 she has been a full member. Steffi Schüppel succeeds Prof. Fritz Auweck in office, who has held this position since 1996.
After ten as bdla-speaker construction engineering and standards Markus Illgas handed over the "baton" on the advisory board meeting to Tom Kirsten, studied land conservator and nearly twenty years as a landscape architect in a Dresden office active. From 2010 to 2012, he completed the bdla advanced training as an expert for open spaces. Since 2012 he has been an ö. b. v. expert for gardening and landscaping, and since 2019 also for sports ground construction. Since 2018 he has a teaching and experimental activity at the LfULG in Dresden-Pillnitz, teaches at the HTW Dresden and leads some F E projects on stormwater management and biodiversity. He is involved in working groups at FLL, DWA and DIN, focusing on planting work, infiltration, sports field construction and water-bound paths.
Re-elected were treasurer Jens Henningsen, Prof. Swantje Duthweiler in the office of the speaker plant use, Kerstin Berg as a speaker landscape planning, Marion Linke as a speaker training as well as speaker garden monument preservation Prof. Stefan Pulkenat.
Federation of German landscape architects bdla
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