
25th bdla Construction Manager Talks on 20 and 21 January 2023 in Bochum

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Industry meeting of the landscape architecture to building technology and construction management in the open space planning as well as questions of the architect and fee right

On 20. and 21 January 2023 is it finally so far: Landschaftsarchitekt:innen from the German-speaking countries meet in presence again to the traditional bdla construction manager discussions. The training event is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and the bdla is dedicating two top-class panel discussions to this anniversary as the crowning conclusion of the first day.

Urban redevelopment Innere Hustadt, Bochum; Planning: Danielzik Leuchter Partner Landschaftsarchitekten mbB, Duisburg; Photo: Claudia Dreyße

Topics of the two-day training include price escalator clauses, construction time extensions, dealing with heavy water events, timber constructions, new trends in green roofs and evaluation of pavements made of concrete components. In his usual manner, Tom Kirsten, the bdla spokesman for construction technology and standards, will summarize the latest results from the work on rules and regulations in his Update 2023.

Finally, three different excursions are on the agenda, among others to the large construction site "Emscherland".

The event is aimed both at professional practitioners from planning offices and at colleagues from offices and authorities.

Date: January 20 and 21, 2023
Location: RuhrCongress Bochum
Organizer: Association of German Landscape Architects

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