
Natural climate protection needs innovative concepts

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bdla comments on action program of the Federal Ministry for the Environment

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection has presented an ambitious action program for natural climate protection for discussion. With the draft, the federal government intends to make a substantial contribution to climate protection, the protection of biological diversity and precautions against the consequences of the climate crisis. To this end, the synergies between nature conservation and climate protection are to be exploited in a more targeted manner than in the past; four billion euros have been earmarked for implementation between 2022 and 2026.

In the view of the bdla, the proposed measures are a significant step towards better climate protection in Germany. In principle, the association recommends that the allocation of funds in the action program should not be based on the "watering can principle", but should ideally prioritize measures on the basis of technical-spatial target concepts.

Redesign of the inner-city Neckar riverbank and gravel gardens in Lauffen a.N. Planning/Photo: LUZ Landschaftsarchitektur.

The bdla has commented on the program; some suggestions to achieve the ambitious goals of the action program are:

Urban open space development concepts as an umbrella strategy
Open space development concepts form an ideal umbrella strategy for the targeted urban climate oases and fields of action such as sponge city concepts, biodiversity strategies, environmental justice concepts, municipal sports/exercise and health programs. For the long-term development of a climate resilient city, visionary development concepts for green infrastructure and Natural Climate Protection are needed at different scale levels. The field of action Natural Climate Protection on settlement and traffic areas should be optimized accordingly.

Promote urban tree concepts
The bdla welcomes the intended planting of 150,000 additional urban trees by 2030, but recommends an increase in the number of urban trees to be planted and the amount of funding. Qualitatively, a street tree concept for the existing stock and the new planting, which sufficiently takes into account the concrete expected climatic forecasts, should be a necessary prerequisite for funding.

Informal climate landscape development concepts support
The landscape planning control of natural climate protection plays a key role in the targeted implementation of the program of measures. Due to their integrative approach, municipal and regional landscape planning are ideal for the spatial conception and prioritization of natural climate protection measures. The necessary integrated landscape approach is - in addition to the strengthening of formal landscape planning - to be further developed within the framework of informal climate-landscape development concepts at regional and municipal level and explicitly included in the action program.

For this purpose, the bdla specifically proposes to invite tenders for the creation of ten such experimental climate landscape development concepts within the framework of a competition and to evaluate their effectiveness. The goal should be the development and implementation of multifunctionally effective projects in the respective planning areas. Accordingly, the action program should provide funding for implementation projects (in the sense of E E projects). From the point of view of the professional association, the competitive character promotes innovative approaches to achieving the goals of the action program.

Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen bdla
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, 10179 Berlin
Tel. 030 27 87 15-0, Fax 030 27 87 15-55
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