Online seminar of the bdla on May 25, 2023
More speed in the expansion of renewable energies and electricity grids: The regulation establishing a framework for accelerated expansion of the use of renewable energies is intended to generate a significant acceleration of the expansion of renewable energies in the member states. Among other things, the regulation stipulates that member states can waive an environmental impact assessment and a species protection assessment in approval procedures for renewable energy installations and the electricity grids required for their expansion under certain conditions.

The bdla informs on May 25, 2023 in an online seminar about the national consequences of the EU Emergency Regulation and shows solution approaches for all planning participants. Discussed is the still great importance of the necessary consideration material for a legally secure approval.
Topics and speakers
EU Emergency Ordinance and its national implementation from a legal perspective
RA Dr. Malte Kohls, BBG und Partner Rechtsanwälte, Bremen
Consideration of environmental concerns in sectoral planning for grid expansion
Christian Beste, BHF Bendfeldt Herrmann Franke LandschaftsArchitekten, Kiel
Wind energy and species protection - new regulations of the BNatSchG and WindBG
Dr. Katrin Wulfert, Bosch undamp; Partner GmbH, Herne
Update "Modernization package climate protection and planning acceleration "
Klaus Müller-Pfannenstiel, Bosch undamp; Partner GmbH, Munich
Kerstin Berg, bdla-speaker landscape planning, Bielfeldt Berg Landschaftsplanung, Hamburg
Date: 25. May 2023, 9.00 o'clock to 13.45 o'clock
Place: on-line seminar
Organizer: federation of German Landschaftsarchitekt:innen
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0