
Business topics for landscape architects in a double pack

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15th bdla Economic Forum and Young Landscape Architecture Workshop on February 27 and 28, 2025 in Frankfurt am Main

Next February, the bdla Economic Forum and the preceding Young Landscape Architecture Workshop will focus on economic topics - for both established and young landscape architecture firms and their owners.

Young Landscape Architecture Workshop
The topic of competitions will be examined and discussed in a comprehensive and differentiated manner as part of the Young Landscape Architecture Workshop. A short introduction and presentations by Nina Dvorak/Stefan Grieger, René Rheims/Julia Biermann, Christian Jürgensmann and Marianne Mommsen will shed light on the topic from different perspectives: Participants, supervisors and jury members. Experience reports from the colleagues regarding the processes and routines, the logic and dynamics of decision-making and the legal framework for competitions and the negotiation process form the basis for the joint exchange. The event is organized in cooperation with the bdla competition working group.

bdla Economic Forum
The business forum will focus on practical approaches with regard to forms of cooperation. The various dimensions of innovative forms of cooperation and communication as well as legal aspects of planning alliances such as bidding consortiums, joint ventures or subcontractors will be examined. Selected office owners will report on integrated project alliances, landscape architecture offices as general planners, as subcontractors of a general contractor or a general planner and on framework agreements for call-off services.

There will also be updates on digitalization and artificial intelligence in planning offices and on the adequacy of the HOAI.

In addition to the presentations, the event places great importance on the exchange between colleagues. The Economic Forum is an information and discussion platform for all those in planning offices and public authorities who think and act commercially.

February 27, 2025 Young Landscape Architecture Workshop and
February 28, 2025 bdla Economic Forum

Protestant Academy Frankfurt/Main

With the kind support of

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