
Landscape planning committee: UVPG workshop discussion

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On 11.01.2018, the committee met for its 87th regular meeting in Kassel.

The focus of the meeting was a workshop discussion in which the new requirements for the environmental assessment as a result of the new UVPG were highlighted. The UVPG, which came into force on 29 July 2017, redefined the requirements for the environmental assessment and the EIA report to be prepared for this purpose. In the opinion of many participants, the frequently circulated assessment that the basic information to be provided as defined in Section 16 of the UVPG and its specification in Annex 4 are merely of a clarifying nature and essentially do not entail any changes for planning practice cannot be accepted. There was an intensive collegial exchange of views on this, for example on the new object of protection, the area, the susceptibility to the consequences of climate change, the susceptibility of the project to serious accidents and disasters, and the requirements for case-by-case examination.

Kerstin Berg thanked for the lively participation in the discussion and held out the prospect of contributing the findings to the EIA symposium in April 2018, in which she will participate for the bdla. In addition, the committee will consider whether to develop recommendations on the topic area of "UVPG amendments and consequences under fee law/contract law".

Some other matters were also discussed, including a position paper on the building area typology "Urbanes Gebiet (MU)" of the AK Städtebau Freiraumplanung. Kerstin Berg also informed about the developments around "building information modelling" (BIM), which is also gaining importance in the field of environmental/infrastructure planning. An initial survey in the working group showed that about half of those present had already had something to do with BIM. The presidium has appointed a working group on the subject of BIM, to which Kerstin Berg is to contribute the perspective of environmental/landscape planners. The committee will deal with the topic again in due course.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2018

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