
Landscape Planning Committee: Practical questions for the Federal Compensation Ordinance

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The 91st meeting of the AK Landscape Planning on April 24, 2020 took place with almost all working group members in the virtual team room. It was a successful and fruitful meeting. Although it became clear that the voluntary commitment also lives very much from the personally enriching face-to-face interaction and this is missed in times of pandemic.

The Federal Compensation Ordinance is coming! Despite (or perhaps because of) the Corona crisis, the Federal Compensation Ordinance (BKompVO) draft of the Federal Government remained unchanged in the parliamentary procedure. Kerstin Berg reported on the state of affairs and the foreseeable publication of the ordinance in May 2020. For this purpose, she had conducted background discussions with the responsible BMU department head Dr. Stefan Lütkes. Helge Herbst introduced the discussion on the technical and economic challenges resulting from the new BKompVO.

The subject of the discussion was, among other things, the urgently needed "translation keys" for mapping, which are currently being worked on. Furthermore, it was about the questions of the professional practice concerning the guideline for action on the ordinance, which was promised by the BMU. A working group was formed to deal with the urgent questions concerning the drafting of offers and contracts with regard to the application of the BKompVO. The aim is a timely publication of the bdla on this.

In the previous meeting, the idea for a brochure was developed. Martin Janotta presented his thoughts on the subject of "Environment-related permit management". The working group intensively discussed the various facets of this demanding consulting service. It was also agreed here to take up the preliminary work in a working group and to produce a revised draft text.

As a guest, Dr. Johannes Gnädinger reported on a project idea from Bavaria. Here it concerns a model project under the title "landscape plan reset". Beyond that the conditions of the building code amendment as well as the perspectives of the insect protection law were discussed.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 2/2020

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