
Landscape Planning Committee: BKompV - GOP - UBB

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The Landscape Planning Committee met again only virtually on 4.12.2020. Kerstin Berg reported on the status of the consultations in the AG BKompV.

The aim of the committee is to develop practical recommendations for the remuneration of services in accordance with the new regulation. Among other things, the effects of the undefined legal terms and their implementation in practical work steps will be discussed. Furthermore, the effort due to changed requirements as well as the delimitation of basic services and special services are to be outlined. It is planned to present a consolidated version of the bdla recommendations in the first half of 2021.

The statement on the Insect Protection Act was also drafted in the committee. The draft bill is still being intensively negotiated in the political arena. Individual technical questions were discussed in the committee. Of relevance are, among others, the regulations on the GOP, on open space design plans. The committee determined that the demarcation and the quality of the GOP and the open space design plan are important from a technical and professional point of view. Prof. Catrin Schmidt, Gudrun Rentsch and Martin Janotta are forming a working group to formulate a position on this topic. The potentials of the open space design plan and its interfaces to the GOP and the overall strengthening and sustainable design of the GOP as a conceptual instrument will be discussed. The requirements for the open space design plan from a landscape planning perspective were also reflected upon. In the meantime, the bdla presidium has established a working group on this topic; Gudrun Rentsch has taken over the leadership.

Mario Kahl informed about the plan to offer the course Special Expertise in Environmental Construction Management again, in cooperation with the vhw. Kerstin Berg reported on the agreements with Dr. Schattenfroh on a new "model contract UBB". This is available in draft form and is currently being examined in the AK. After the publication of the new model contract an on-line seminar is to be offered to the topic.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 1/2021

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