
Landscape Planning Committee: Climate Protection Ruling of the BVerfG

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In April 2021, the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe announced an arguably historic decision with its ruling on the Climate Protection Act. Reason enough for the members of the landscape planning committee to deal with the consequences at their meeting on 4 July 2021.

As is well known, the judges strengthened the rights of young people and future generations. The state objective provision in Article 20a of the Basic Law will in future be a concrete starting point for legal and technical controversies. This binding and justiciable norm could also have indirect effects on environmental planning and assessment. The working group discussed the consequences for a future, special technical contribution on climate protection.

All working group members confirmed the presumably significantly increasing importance of climate protection concerns in planning and in the weighting between the various environmental concerns. The diverse aspects are to be discussed in greater depth in a focal point meeting on the topic in autumn 2021.

The bdla's clear criticism of the Insect Protection Act has probably contributed to the fact that the new standard on the green space plan has been completely revised. The rewrite of the GOP paragraph now provides a meaningful definition of the GOP. Edith Schütze explained the topic and its concrete implications for open space and landscape planning in an online seminar on September 1, 2021. Prof. Catrin Schmidt presented the position paper "Strengthening and qualifying landscape planning in built-up areas!" to the AK in this thematic context. Those present welcomed the publication.

Information was provided on the preparations for an HOAI amendment in the next legislative period. Various colleagues from the environment of the landscape planning committee are involved in the activities; among others Kerstin Berg, Peter Hermanns, Georg Grobmeyer, Dr. Dieter Günnewig, Dr. Johannes Gnädinger.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2021

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