
Landscape Planning Working Group: Transformation

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One of the central (technical) questions of our time was addressed by the working group on March 11, 2022. As is well known, Germany is faced with the major task of having to undertake the far-reaching transformation of its energy system to renewable energies in an unprecedentedly short time.

There is still a consensus in German society that this transformation will have a profound impact on people's lives and bring about major changes in our landscapes, settlements and infrastructure. The political prioritization deemed necessary by the German government is taking shape and was discussed.

Thankfully, Prof. Catrin Schmidt, Prof. Hubertus von Dressler and Uwe Herrmann had presented a position paper on the topic. In the future, it will serve as a basis for discussing the main features of a reorientation for sustainable spatial development in view of this transformation pressure in the entire association and, if possible, also for publishing a professional position of the professional association.

bdla spokesperson Kerstin Berg reported on the participation in intensive discussions in the German Nature Conservation Ring on the topic of the "Coalition Agreement and Planning Acceleration". There was consensus that there is an urgent need for acceleration in the area of climate and environmental protection measures while maintaining established participation and environmental standards in order to achieve the goal of climate neutrality. As a result of the debates, a document with recommendations for accelerated planning and approval procedures by environmental associations has been published and advocated in the political arena.

Mario Kahl explained the ideas for the hybrid event on landscape and environmental planning being prepared for October 20 and 21, 2022 in Berlin. The program will consist of different topic modules and highlight current fields of action such as the nature-compatible energy transition or natural climate protection.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 2/2022

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