
Landscape Planning Working Group: Planning Acceleration

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The spokeswoman Kerstin Berg welcomed the working group members to the virtual exchange on July 16, 2023 and was particularly pleased to be able to introduce the newly appointed presidium assessor Martina Gaebler, Kortemeier Brokmann Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, to the Kolleg:innenkreis.

In the future, the field of landscape and environmental planning will be represented even more comprehensively in the association's leadership by Martina Gaebler and Vice President Gudrun Rentsch.

Kerstin Berg and Klaus Müller-Pfannenstiel informed about the genesis and the contents of the current position paper of BFAD, BBN and bdla. It addresses some of the consequences of the "Modernization Package for Climate Protection and Planning Acceleration", which was adopted by the coalition committee of the German government on March 28, 2023. With this, the associations present selected starting points for modernizing the fulfillment of compensation obligations and thus contributing to accelerating approval procedures.

The subsequent discussion focused in detail on what additional considerations would have to be made in order to actually accelerate project-related environmental planning/assessments - and what should not happen either. Due to the fundamental importance of the topic, the working group agreed to hold a topic-specific workshop on the challenges of accelerating planning before the summer break in 2023, despite the large voluntary workload.

The AK also discussed the BMUV's announcement that it would present key points for a Natural Areas Act in the summer of 2023. This is intended to secure sufficient and interconnected areas for renaturation and nature conservation in terms of spatial planning, as well as to create the possibility of defining a coherent cross-state biotope network as a priority area.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 3/2023

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