The bdla Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. regularly honors outstanding bachelor theses at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt HfWU, Nürtingen Geislingen, to promote young talent.
In the Absolvent:innenfeier für Planerische Studiengänge (graduation ceremony for planning courses of study) on October 13, 2023, the students of the bachelor's courses of study in landscape architecture, landscape planning and nature conservation, and urban planning, together with the master's courses of study in environmental protection, sustainable urban and regional development, and urban landscape transformation, were honored and bid farewell in the large hall of the K3N Stadthalle in Nürtingen.

Open space planning concept
After the greetings of the rector Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey and the address of the dean, Prof. Dr. Tobias Loemke, the awards for outstanding achievements were presented.
The Young Talent Award of the Association of German Landscape Architects bdla, Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V., in the summer semester 2023 was awarded for the best Bachelor thesis as well as the best overall grade to Ms. B.Eng. Nathalie Rothweiler for her bachelor thesis with the topic "Work in Progress! Technology Park Karlsruhe" was awarded.
Susanna Hirzler, member of the board and spokeswoman of the bdla regional association Baden-Württemberg in the bdla working group public relations conveyed the congratulations of the board and handed over the certificate with voucher for the prize endowed with 250 euros. In addition to the offer of a one-year junior taster membership free of charge, the "start package" for professional life includes the current bdla media on the topics of "Essentials for Climate Adaptation", "Climate Adaptation in Urban Design", "The Garden of the Earth" as well as the documentation for the current German Landscape Architecture Award 2023 and the Baden-Württemberg Landscape Architecture Award 2022.

Other prizes were awarded: the Faculty Prize, the Prize of the Stiftung Bausparkasse Schwäbisch-Hall, the Environmental Prize of the company ZinCo GmbH, the Prize of the Verband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau Baden-Württemberg e.V., and the Prize of the Verband Region Stuttgart.
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