Association of German Landscape Architects Baden-Württemberg at the SCHULBAU trade fair in Stuttgart
Landscape architecture: What concepts are there for implementing sustainability?
28.02.2024, 11.00 a.m.
Michael Glück, freelance landscape architect bdla
Glück Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH, Stuttgart
Hannah Pinell
New schools are being built across Germany with the help of school construction programs. The school environment and its open spaces are an integral part of holistic school landscapes. Schools are formative components of neighborhood development and identity-forming places in the city.
Schoolyards of various dimensions are presented in a work report. From large campuses with different types of schools to modular school buildings and their individual open spaces. The challenges of sustainable, climate-adapted construction are highlighted, as are the requirements for the open space program of the different types of schools.

SCHULBAU takes place in cooperation with the respective public and private school construction investors. The Salon covers all construction tasks: From educational and functional interior concepts to exterior design and façades. The event is accompanied by a high-quality program tailored to the respective region.
Architects and specialist planners, school management, representatives of authorities and institutions, investors and construction companies are among the guests and actively take advantage of the national and international exchange of ideas. Exhibitors with their latest product innovations have the opportunity to fill their order books.
Salon andamp; trade fair SCHULBAU
Stuttgart February 28-29, 2024, 09:00 - 16:00
Carl Benz Arena Stuttgart
Mercedesstraße 73D, 70372 Stuttgart
Salon undamp; SCHULBAU trade fair
Frankfurt a.M. April 16-17, 2024, 09.00 - 16.00
Jahrhunderthalle, Frankfurt am Main
Further dates
Short trip Copenhagen (DK) May 12-15, 2024
Copenhagen (DK) May 14, 2024
Cologne September 25-26, 2024
Berlin November 27-28, 2024
Munich autumn 2025
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