General meeting bdla Baden-Württemberg 2024
On June 20, the members of bdla Baden-Württemberg e.V. met for their annual general meeting at Treffpunkt Baden-Württemberg as part of the State Garden Show Wangen im Allgäu 2024.

Deputy Chair Ruth Kjer and Treasurer Ralph Wölffing-Seelig chaired the meeting on behalf of Chair Urs Müller-Meßner, who was unable to attend the meeting for health reasons. The agenda included the obligatory association regulations and the associated annual report for 2023, the state association's program for the current year and the outlook for the plans for 2025. In a professional exchange on current topics, the reports of the volunteer members in committees of the bdla, the AKBW and other institutions were discussed.
The supporting program included the opening of the exhibition for the competition for the Baden-Württemberg Landscape Architecture Prize 2024.
Exhibition "Landscape Architecture: Excellent!"
The exhibition on the competition under the patronage of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Regional Development and Housing, MLWBW, premiered at the LGS Wangen 2024 in the Baden-Württemberg meeting point. It provides information about the competition process and presents the first prize, the New Green Corridor North-East - Mannheim Connects! by RMP Stephan Lenzen Landscape Architects, as well as all the other award-winning and nominated projects in 22 exhibits. Two further exhibitions were presented in parallel:
"The team from THE LÄND - The Baden-Württemberg tax administration introduces itself - diverse, modern, future-oriented"
Oberfinanzdirektion Karlsruhe
What does the modern administration of the future look like? How does a digital tax office work? That's what we're all about. We also offer interesting insights into our diverse and varied work. And show you the different courses of study and training opportunities at the State Center for Data Processing, the State Tax Office or in one of the 65 tax offices in Baden-Württemberg. There will also be information on electronic tax returns.
"We build THE LÄND - innovative - digital - sustainable"
Staatliche Vermögens- und Hochbauverwaltung Baden-Württemberg
Around 2,800 experts from the construction, real estate and administration sectors work at the Staatliche Vermögens- und Hochbauverwaltung Baden-Württemberg.We create the best possible building conditions for state and federal institutions on 35,752 km2 of the state.
These range from politics, justice, police, education and culture to the German Armed Forces. In this way, we are making an important contribution to a functioning state and to achieving climate protection targets.
After the visit to the exhibition, which ended with a get-together, around 50 guests took the opportunity to take part in the final guided tour of the State Garden Show grounds with Axel Lohrer from Lohrer Hochrein Landschaftsarchitekten und Stadtplaner gmbh, Munich, in beautiful weather.
After a short presentation on the planning process and the various themes of the garden show, the guests were able to take a tour of the permanent site of the new Argenlandschaft and view the numerous highlights of the temporary exhibition contributions.
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