
Symposium on 22 June 2017: "Housing open space: densification without destruction!?"

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Open spaces as places of everyday life in the neighbourhood are central to urban coexistence.

They offer space for experiencing togetherness and opportunities for development for each individual. The interaction of different social groups takes place here, as does communication across generations. The consequence of these essential functions is that high-quality open space structures create substantial value in cities and communities.

At the same time, despite rising completion figures, Germany is now pushing ahead with a demand for more than one million unbuilt apartments. At the same time, more and more people are living in economically dynamic densely populated areas. Especially here, living space is in short supply. The development of inner areas, which makes sense from a planning point of view, is therefore too often carried out with the sole aim of increasing density. Qualitative inner development through open spaces is often neglected. Even in the new development areas of the growing densely populated areas, the supply of open space often leaves much to be desired.

At the symposium on 22 June 2017 at the IGA Berlin 2017, the Fachgemeinschaft Bau Berlin und Brandenburg e.V., the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftskultur (DGGL) LV Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., the Fachverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. and the Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten (bdla) Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg want to scrutinise the situation for Berlin and the Brandenburg cities or municipalities in the surrounding area. Our speakers - experts from business, science and practice - will address this topic from different perspectives.

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