
Changes in the national board and in the office

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On September 13, 2023, this year's general meeting of the bdla Berlin/Brandenburg took place at Café Paresüd in the Schöneberger Südgelände Nature Park.

Der neu gewählte Vorstand bedankt sich herzlich für langjähriges Engagement: von links nach rechts: Anna Dierking, Jörg Bresser, Susann Pitschel, Eike Richter, Karsten Standke, Lioba Lissner und Thomas Guba (Foto: bdla bb)

Der neu gewählte Vorstand bedankt sich herzlich für langjähriges Engagement: von links nach rechts: Anna Dierking, Jörg Bresser, Susann Pitschel, Eike Richter, Karsten Standke, Lioba Lissner und Thomas Guba (Foto: bdla bb)

In addition to an extensive agenda including discussion of the state group's budget and activities, welcoming new members, and honoring long-time members, elections were held for a new vice chair, vice chair, and executive director position.

Anna Dierking was re-elected as vice chair. As a new member of the board, we are pleased to announce that Jörg Bresser joins the board as vice chair. Thus, the two complete the team around the Chairman Eike Richter and the Vice Chairman Thomas Guba, who was elected last year and remains in office until 2025.

Jörg Bresser has worked after the apprenticeship as a landscape gardener in Dortmund and the study of the landscape planning at the TU Berlin starting from 1992 in various citizens of Berlin planning offices. In 2004, together with Kerstin Jablonka, he founded the office pro garten (since 2019 pro garten Landschaftsarchitekten - Partnerschaftsgesellschaft Bresser Jablonka Part GmbB). Jörg Bresser sees his focus in the execution planning, contracting and realization of diverse projects of open space planning. He has been an expert for damage to open spaces since 2012. Jörg Bresser is pleased to make his competence and professional experience available to the professional association.

Jörg Bresser fills the vacant position of Lioba Lissner, who was elected as the new managing director. She follows Karsten Standke, who has already been in office for 3 election periods and was not allowed to be elected again. The board thanked Karsten Standke for his many years of dedicated work as managing director of our national group and Susann Pitschel, who supported the office in Mittenwalde.

At the same time, it was announced at the general meeting that the new state board will have support at the Mittenwalde office starting in October: Stephanie Raschke will support the board, especially the chairman and the managing director, as part-time manager of the office.

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