
bdla Mecklenburg-Vorpommern offers prize for best thesis, submission until 18.9.2017

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The regional group Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania of the Association of German Landscape Architects bdla awards the best work of the last academic year of the University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg.

Graduates in Landscape Architecture (Bachelor) or Landscape Architecture and Green Space Management (Master) are invited to participate. Completed Bachelor's and Master's theses from the period September 2016 to August 2017 can be submitted to Professor Mertens (via the secretariat) until 18 September 2017.

The Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania regional group of the Association of German Landscape Architects BDLA will decide on the award ceremony, which will take place during the graduates' farewell ceremony in the winter semester 2017/18, probably on 20 October.

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