
German Landscape Architecture Award 2019 in Mainz

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From 17 June to 3 July 2020, the exhibition German Landscape Architecture Award 2019 will be on display at the Zentrum Baukultur Rheinland-Pfalz.

"Green infrastructures" are new systems for whose development and realization the technical and ecological aspects must be rethought from an aesthetic and social point of view. Landscape architecture plays an outstanding role here, both for use and design as well as for health and social well-being. The projects awarded by the Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten (Association of German Landscape Architects) are summarised in a representative exhibition; the "Baakenpark" project, which was awarded first prize, is presented in a five-minute film.

The Centre for Building Culture in the Mainz Bridge Tower is open to the public during the aforementioned period, Wednesday to Friday from 2 to 6 pm.

Centre for Building Culture Rhineland-Palatinate

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