"Forum Lebensraum gestalten" is a project of the regional group Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland in the Association of German Landscape Architects bdla. The project is currently being carried out in cooperation with the City of Mainz (Environmental and Parks Department). The concept is also being used for public participation in the Bad-Neuenahr State Garden Show.
The aim is to gather knowledge about which open spaces represent quality of life and why, in order to be able to secure and develop quality in a targeted manner. With the knowledge of what users value in their living space and expect in the future, positively anchored open spaces and thus added value from investments can be created.
The results of the survey will be presented at a public event and also made available online. In the long term, a platform will be created with results from different regions, where data will be collected, compared and made available as transfer knowledge for future projects.
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