
Board and Speakers

Board and Speakers

Catharina Bankert-Hahn


Tel: (03 45) 2 00 26 71

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Katrin Schube

1. deputy chairperson

Tel: (03 91) 62 23 616

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Ulrike Schmeil


Tel: (03 45) 1 22 12 33

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Spokespersons of the bdla Regional Association Sachsen-Anhalt

Hans-Gerd Kleymann

Garden World Garden Walks:
Ulrike Schmeil

Prof. Erich Buhmann

Landscape Planning:
Prof. Erich Buhmann

Urban planning + open space planning:
Matthias Därr

Hans-Gerd Kleymann

Garden Monument Preservation:
Catharina Bankert-Hahn
Ulrike Bischoff

Public Relations:
Katrin Schube

Henry Wagler

Plant use:
Sigrun Därr

Landscape architects bdla in the committees of the Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Architects:
Matthias Därr