
Malenter Runde successful!

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Although announced at shorter notice than usual and with a number of participants of 23 people smaller than in previous years, the Malenter Runde was nevertheless a success again this year.

Together with the trainer and coach Gerlinde Lahr, topics of the profession could be discussed on Friday. Here, above all, the shortage of skilled workers and dealing with ever-increasing bureaucracy. In the small round a familiar feeling arose fast and the exchange with the colleagues was very enriching.

On Saturday, Ms. Pütz from gruppef in Berlin used many examples to show how the implementation of the White Paper on Urban Greening can succeed. In her subsequent lecture on climate-adapted flood and heat precautions, Dr. Kruse explained how precautions can be taken in relation to heavy rainfall events and which factors need to be taken into account.

As always, the Uwe Seeler Football Park provided an excellent setting for a conference with a closed-door character. So also at the 'Evening of Landscape Architecture', personal connections were strengthened and new ones gained with much pleasure over witty drinks.

Next year, the Malenter Runde will again take place on the second weekend in November.

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