
Malenter Runde meets Hamburger Grüntöne on 22/23.10.2021: LandscapeArchitecture for future

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The bdla Schleswig-Holstein and the bdla Hamburg invite to the common advanced training meeting "Malenter round meets Hamburg green tones 2021".

Foto: (3448883)

Foto: (3448883)

Date 22 - 23 October 2021

Venue: Uwe Seeler Park, Bad Malente

  • Online registration (Registration is no longer possible)

Theme: LandscapeArchitecture for future

Day after day, architecture, the built environment shapes our existence, with buildings inside and out, with street spaces, schoolyards and squares. Landscape architecture makes an important contribution to this. All this also has an effect on the future and accompanies us for many years, decades and sometimes even centuries. Especially against the background of the increasingly urgent need for climate adaptation, the question arises: How do we shape our future? A future that starts with our children.

What do children and young people, what does "Generation Z" know about their built environment, about landscape architecture, about building culture? What do they learn about it at home and at school? We want to discuss this with teachers, architects, urban planners and educational stakeholders. Does school help to create a sensitivity for the built environment? What methodological and pedagogical approaches are there for this? What can we in the planning guild contribute?

And we want to ask what we do every day in our offices to ensure that landscape architecture becomes and remains sustainable. Sustainability is on everyone's lips, but what does it mean in concrete terms for our work in planning and realizing home gardens, schoolyards, gardens, parks and squares? What ecological footprint do we leave behind in the office and outside on the construction site? Examples from planning practice show ways in which we work in a sustainable and climate-neutral way.

"LandscapeArchitecture for Future" is to be held in the proven format of the Malenter Runde. Through the cooperation of both regional groups under the motto "Malenter Runde meets Hamburger Grüntöne", the synergies in organization and implementation will be used to also give the Malenter Runde and the Hamburger Grüntöne a future. We look forward to spending 1.5 informative, inspiring and sustainable days with you again!

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