The bdla Schleswig-Holstein invites you to the traditional event in Bad Malente and looks forward to an exciting exchange with all interested parties on the topic "LAND FORWARD!"

2023, the Malenter Runde is dedicated to rural areas. It would like to put once the focus on the developments and potentials of the rural area, which are of special importance for a sustainable development in our country.
Friday, 17.11.2023
Program approx. 9.00 - to 18.00 o'clock,
then small sport offer and afterwards evening of the landscape architecture
Saturday, 18.11.2023
Program approx. 9.30 - 13.00 o'clock
Place of event: Uwe Seeler park, Bad Malente
Moderation: Friedhelm Terfrüchte, landscape architect, Essen
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0