Infrastructure of modern sports grounds - Trend sports - Exercise in public spaces
Outdoor sports can be so diverse. Outdoor sports facilities and public spaces that are used for sport and exercise allow for a variety of forms of exercise and sports. As different as the facilities are, the infrastructure they require faces similar challenges in terms of planning, construction and operation. Sustainability and climate adaptation are of great importance in planning. However, design measures that take into account the functional quality of sport also require creativity and innovation. At this year's IAKS Germany Outdoor Seminar, best practice examples and findings from research will be presented and participants will discuss how to jointly design the sports facilities of the future.

Eupener Str. 70
50933 Cologne
Haus des Sports
Schäferkampsallee 1
20357 Hamburg
bdla members receive the same conditions as IAKS members.
125,- € Students
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0