
Malent Round

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The "Malenter Runde" has been a fixed date in the annual planning of the bdla Schleswig-Holstein for many years and traditionally takes place in Holsteinische Schweiz in Bad Malente-Gremsmühlen.

Topics of past Malenter Rounds

The history of the "Malenter Runde

Named after the meeting place Bad Malente in Holsteinische Schweiz, the Malenter Runde serves the professional and personal exchange of bdla members, other landscape architects as well as specialist planners, politicians and interested parties.

Every year, the focus is on a specific topic, in the past years it was:

  • "Urban development between biotope connectivity and land competition" (2018).
  • "New on the horizon - quo vadis architecte horticus?" (2017)
  • "Move it! Sport and movement in public space" (2016)
  • "www.WindWeatherWater" (2015)
  • "Something is blooming for us! - New aspects of plant use" (2014)
  • "Water Makes the City" (2012)
  • "Green Power Health" (2011)

  • Latitude: 0
  • Longitude: 0