For years, the Erfurt Dialog has served as an important discussion forum for current issues in landscape and object planning. The consequences of climate change as well as the challenges of climate protection are changing Thuringia.

Global warming is not only causing heat stress in our cities. The "forest dieback 2.0", floods or temporarily dry streams and habitats also affect the landscape on a large scale. At the same time, climate protection challenges us to actively change our landscape. This ranges from the integration of renewable energy plants into the Thuringian cultural landscape to the conversion of our cities to more heat resilience and quality of life through green infrastructure. Landscape architecture is already making a variety of contributions to this.
With the topic "We shape climate" the bdla regional group Thuringia, together with the UAS Erfurt, takes up a guiding principle formulated by Stephan Lenzen (vice president of the bdla): "We landscape architects shape climate: With open spaces that produce fresh and cool air, infiltration areas, green roofs and facades, biotopes and ecological measures".
That the challenges of the climatic change with climatic protection (Mitigation) and the climatic adaptation (Adaptation) are also a national-political and interdisciplinary task, would like to represent the conference on 30.03.22 by exciting contributions from research and practice. It wants to encourage and give examples to understand climate change as a challenge for landscape architecture in the landscape - from urban neighborhoods to nature reserves - and to accompany it in a targeted way.
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