
Open Gardens 2024 in Thuringia

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It's that time of year again - the "Open Gardens" season has begun. Countless garden owners and gardeners are opening the gates to gardens and parks between Kyffhäuser and Suhl, Eisenach and Gera. From small home gardens to 20,000 square meters of landscaped gardens: they all provide a wide variety of insights and inspiration.

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The "Open Gardens" traditionally have so-called entrance gardens, which are located in logistically convenient places. Here, visitors receive the "Gardens for All" stamp and a complete list of all open gardens with information and directions in return for a small contribution towards expenses.

The "Open Gardens" are organized by the regional associations of the Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla) and the German Society for Garden Art and Landscape Culture.

Open Gardens - Open Gardens in Thuringia 2024

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