
Foto: Josephine Facius

7 News - Thüringen

Thuringia's Green associations invite to New Year's reception

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On 29.1.2020, the Thuringian Green Associations invite as every year to the New Year's Reception.

News - Thüringen · 17. December 2019

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New Year's Reception bdla Thuringia

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On the evening of 30 January 2019, the Thuringian regional group of the bdla, together with the DGGL and the FGL Hesse-Thuringia, invited to the now 22nd New Year's reception of the green professional associations.

News - Thüringen · 19. February 2019

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Erfurt Dialogue of the bdla Thüringen

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The Erfurt Dialogue as our new Erfurt Working Days has served for years as an important discussion forum for current issues in landscape and object planning.

News - Thüringen · 07. February 2019

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Forum Landscape Architecture at the FH Erfurt

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In the winter semester 2017 / 18, the lecture series Forum Landscape Architecture will again take place at the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt.

News - Thüringen · 07. November 2017

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20th New Year's Reception 2017

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20 years, that is a real reason to celebrate. What began as the New Year's reception of the Thuringian landscape architects has now become a permanent fixture and an important meeting place for the industry as the joint New Year's reception of the "green associations" bdla, DGGL and FGL.

News - Thüringen · 13. February 2017

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NETWORKED - Student realization competition

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In 2017, the state of Thuringia will hold the 4th State Garden Show in Apolda.

News - Thüringen · 02. November 2016

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Short Report Excursion State Garden Show Apolda 2017

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At the end of September, some interested members of the Thuringia regional group took part in an excursion across the construction sites of the State Horticultural Show in Apolda 2017.

News - Thüringen · 14. October 2016

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