Regional Associations Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen

Central German Student Competition

Competition 2021/2022

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The bdla Saxony-Anhalt regional group was in charge of the competition.

Topic: Sponge city Quedlinburg

The winning design was "PANTA RHEI, everything flows" by Holger Rothamel, TU Dresden. The competition task was "Sponge City - Ideas for the World Heritage City of Quedlinburg", the award ceremony is on April 8, 2022 in Quedlinburg.

Decision of the 14-member jury

On Friday, March 25 at 5:00 pm at Palais Salfeldt in Quedlinburg, the decision was made on the winners of the 2021/22 bdla Central German Student Competition for the competition "Sponge City Quedlinburg - Ideas for the World Heritage City of Quedlinburg".

After seven hours, the fourteen-member jury made up of representatives from the specialist fields of landscape architecture, architecture, civil engineering and monument preservation unanimously decided that the entry with the poetic quote from the Greek philosopher Heraclitus provides the most comprehensive answers to today's challenges of a climate-friendly World Heritage City of Quedlinburg. Behind the camouflage number is landscape architecture student Holger Rothamel from TU Dresden, whom we would like to congratulate!

Impressive number of participants, high quality of work

The field of 70 students from five universities, who each had to submit two plans with an overall concept and detailed solutions in groups and individually, submitted a large number of very high-quality entries. The development of an overall concept for protection against extreme heavy rainfall, maximum water retention and making water an experience in open spaces was a very complex challenge for the stone city center. For the individual solutions, it was not enough to simply apply the "textbook solutions" of so-called sponge city principles; the jury was particularly in favor of innovative and comprehensive solutions.

Three excerpts from the work "PANTA RHEI, alles fließt" by Holger Rothamel, TU Dresden:

Section of Marktkirchhof from the work "PANTA RHEI, alles fließt". Graphic: Holger Rothamel

Floor plan of Marktkirchhof. Graphic: Holger Rothamel
Section Wordgarten. Graphic: Holger Rothamel

The list of winners of the bdla Central German Student Competition 2021/22

First prize to Holger Rothamel; TU Dresden for the work
"PANTA RHEI, alles fließt"

Second prize to Amrei Stenz; TU Dresden for the work
"barrier-free water pipe system for the listed old town of Quedlinburg"

Three third prizes to
YuryMiranovich, Cech University of Life Sciences Prague for the work
"Blue-green walls of Quedlinburg"


Mona Schäfer, TU Dresden for the work
"With THREE principles to the climate-resilient city of Quedlinburg"

and to

RahamesRodrigues Matos, MLA Anhalt University / Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
McKenna Elyce Montgomery, MLA Anhalt University / Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Parham Salehi Farsani, MLA Anhalt University / Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Mahmoud Madanisani, MLA Anhalt University / Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Saeed Asgarpour Khansary, MLA Anhalt University / Anhalt University of Applied Sciences for the work

Award ceremony on April 8, 2022 and exhibition of the winning designs

All submitted works will be exhibited for two weeks from March 30, 2022 in the Kulturkirche St. Blasi in Quedlinburg. The exhibition is open daily except Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 to 15:00.

The prize-winning works will be briefly presented by the prizewinners at the public award ceremony on Friday, April 8 at 4 p.m. in the Blasi Church. The award ceremony will be accompanied by musicians from THE MOO from Quedlinburg. Visitors will have the opportunity to vote on the competition entries.

The winners will receive prize money totalling 3,000 euros and other
gifts provided by sponsors and the awarding authority.

Our special thanks go to the jury! Each work was discussed in detail and across disciplines. The jury report will be compiled below and made available to all participants. In addition to the exhibition and the presentation on the Internet, we will also endeavor to compile a brochure with the works.

Press coverage of the award ceremony on April 8, 2022

The complete documentation of all work will be available at the following link:

Here is the current status in the exchange directory:

Report of the preliminary examination:
Under this link you can see the formal report of the preliminary examination with all works without evaluation available, the official report of the jury follows:

Jury report:

First exhibition pictures:
We will post pictures here to get you in the mood for the award ceremony. Here are just a few random examples without judging the selection:

The bdla Saxony-Anhalt as organizer would like to thank all supporters of this year's bdla student competition Central Germany 2021/22.

More information about the competition 2021/222

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