Regional Association Niedersachsen+Bremen

Young talent competition bdla Niedersachsen+Bremen

Young talent competition 2018

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The search was on for a wooden lounge element in the Waldkurpark as a contribution to the Bad Iburg State Garden Show.

The bdla competition for young designers for the State Garden Show Bad Iburg 2018 has been decided. The participants of the competition were asked to design favourite places between function and emotion, which are spatially visually and also sensually appealing, as a complement to the beautiful beech forest stand. 7 groups with a total of 20 participants took part in the competition. Many thanks for this committed participation!

The jury met on 16 February 2018. The jury of the competition, composed of representatives of the Landesgartenschau implementation company, landscape architects of the bdla and one representative each of the Runge company, the Niedersächsische Landesforsten, the Jade University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg and an artist, awarded prizes to three winning designs.

There was no ranking, but the three winning designs received the same amount of prize money (400 euros). The "Wabe" design by Fabian Wichert and Alex Staroweit was selected for realisation at the Bad Iburg State Garden Show. The award ceremony took place on 8 June at 4 p.m. at the State Garden Show in the Waldkurpark at the site of the realised object.



Fabian Wichert & Alex Starowoit 5. Sem. HS Osnabrück

Realisierungsentwurf © Fabian Wichert & Alex Starowoit

Further prices

Florian Falk, Sören Huslage & Findus Reinkober 5. + 7. Semester HS Osnabrück

© Florian Falk, Sören Huslage & Findus Reinkober

Judith Fölling, Marius Hillemeyer & Merle Winkelmann 5. + 7. Sem. HS Osnabrück

© Judith Fölling, Marius Hillemeyer & Merle Winkelmann

Here you can read the minutes of the jury meeting:

We would like to thank the following companies/offices for supporting the competition:

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