Regional Association Niedersachsen+Bremen

Young talent competition bdla Niedersachsen+Bremen

Young talent competition 2024 for the Bad Nenndorf State Garden Show

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The theme of the Landesgartenschau Bad Nenndorf 2026 is "Traces of the past - sources of the future".

The Landesgartenschau Bad Nenndorf gGmbH and the bdla Niedersachsen Bremen are organizing this competition to promote young students and budding landscape architects and cordially invite you to take part.

The task of the competition is to design an attractive show garden on the meadow terraces near the main entrance to LaGa Bad Nenndorf. The use and combination of plants should take center stage and inspire the (specialist) public. The garden is part of a show garden complex consisting of five gardens and is located below the play and sports area on a gently sloping hillside.

There are two locations for show gardens within the overall site, in the Landscape Park and the Meadow Park. While the landscape park is located in the historical area of the garden monument and the show gardens should therefore be designed in a more classical style, the show gardens in the meadow park are located in the newly created park area. This means that they can also be designed in a modern and free style.

The show garden should thematically deal with the broad theme of "springs" and set accents in this small garden space with a sensitively implemented idea, making inspiring use of the slope situation. The theme of "springs" is deliberately interpreted broadly to include interpretations of origin, beginning, impulse of something new or for something new.

In this way, a place can be created as a further highlight along the panorama path, which captivates through its idea, offers an outstanding selection of plants and a special detailed solution.


Competition brief and competition documents

Issue of the competition brief:


Queries until


Voluntary site visit

(construction site)

12.11.2024 13:00 hrs

Submission of the work

To be uploaded on:


Jury meeting :

February/March 2025 (to be announced)

Execution phase construction

Summer/Autumn 2025

Award ceremony

at the State Garden Show

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