Climate protection and climate adaptation in planning practice

Climate protection in approval procedures

Location / Place

Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung in der Planungspraxis (online)


05. November 2024



Climate protection and climate adaptation in planning practice

Climate protection in approval procedures

Location / Place

Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung in der Planungspraxis (online)


05. November 2024



Leading experts from research and practice provide insights into current topics in the field of climate protection and climate adaptation. A four-part online series on the topics: Climate adaptation concepts, climate protection in approval procedures, CO2 footprint and open space planning as well as building climate adaptation.

9.00 am - 1.30 pm

Legal principles of climate protection in approval and planning procedures
Dr. Marcus Lau, Partner, lawyer and specialist lawyer for administrative law, Füßer und Kollegen Rechtsanwälte, Leipzig

Fachbeitrag Klimaschutz - planerische Relevanz und Schlaglichter auf spezifische Anwendungsfälle - Straßenbau
Kerstin Berg, Bielfeldt Berg Landschaftsplanung, Hamburg, bdla-Fachsprecherin Landschaftsplanung

Contribution on climate protection - planning relevance and highlights on specific use cases - energy networks or infrastructures
Uwe Herrmann, BHF Bendfeldt Herrmann Franke LandschaftsArchitekten, Kiel, bdla working group on landscape planning

Planning contributions of landscape planning for natural climate protection measures
Martina Gaebler, bdla working group landscape planning, Kortemeier Brokmann Landschaftsarchitekten, Herford

Dialogue between climate protection/climate adaptation and intervention/compensation
Strategic analysis using the example of precipitation management and compensation potential in the urban context
Gabriele Pütz, gruppe F Freiraum für alle, Berlin

All dates of the 2024 climate training

FR October 18
Climate adaptation concepts

DI 5 November
Climate protection in approval procedures

DI November 26
CO2-Footprint andamp; open space planning

FR December 6
Building climate adaptation

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Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung in der Planungspraxis

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