Climate protection and climate adaptation in planning practice

Building climate adaptation

Location / Place

Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung in der Planungspraxis (online)


06. December 2024



Climate protection and climate adaptation in planning practice

Building climate adaptation

Location / Place

Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung in der Planungspraxis (online)


06. December 2024



Leading experts from research and practice provide insights into current topics in the field of climate protection and climate adaptation. A four-part online series on the topics: Climate adaptation concepts, climate protection in approval procedures, CO2 footprint and open space planning as well as building climate adaptation.

9.00 - 12.45 am

Green-blue infrastructure planning in Denmark
Prof. Dr. Antje Backhaus, gruppe F Freiraum für alle, Berlin, Professorship for Green Technologies, Leibniz Universität Hannover

Best practice: reinterpretation and climate-friendly renovation of listed squares and open spaces
Till Rehwaldt, Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten, Dresden, Berlin, Prague, Beijing

Elements of green-blue infrastructure from a structural engineering perspective
Tom Kirsten, freelance landscape architect and ö.b.u.v. expert, Pirna, bdla spokesperson for structural engineering and standards

All dates of the 2024 climate training

FR October 18
Climate adaptation concepts

DI 5 November
Climate protection in approval procedures

DI November 26
CO2-Footprint andamp; open space planning

FR December 6
Building climate adaptation

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Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung in der Planungspraxis

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