
Till Rehwaldt in Garten Landschaft about just greenery

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Urban open spaces have to fulfil many requirements. They are places for meeting, recreation and integration. And they should be accessible to everyone at all times.

Under the title "Space for All. Inklusion und Integration planen" (Planning inclusion and integration), the authors of the current issue 4/2017 of Garten Landschaft address the question of how to lower the threshold to open space through reflective planning. In an interview with Garten Landschaft editor Tanja Gallenmüller, bdla president Till Rehwaldt talks about equitable green space and what landscape architects and municipalities can contribute to it.

"Equitable urban development establishes where there are spatial disadvantages and which spaces these are. The focus is on looking at spaces rather than social groups themselves. We know there is an imbalance. Essential to the development of the Urban Greening White Paper is to reduce these and give disadvantaged spaces new qualities." In this context, quantity and quality go hand in hand, "because only in adequately sized green spaces can people develop and really make use of open space qualities. Statistically speaking, this includes size per inhabitant, but also distances and accessibility. There are various approaches to this," explains Till Rehwaldt.

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