
New bdla committees on international affairs launched

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Prof. Fritz Auweck welcomed eight bdla members to the first meeting of the International Committee on 6 October 2017 at the Berlin Federal Office.

The bdla has constituted this new committee in order to adequately reflect the growing international influences on landscape architects, their international activities and the international lobbying under the umbrella of IFLA within the bdla.

A multitude of very different fields of action are now being worked on concretely. For example, possibilities are to be examined as to how the bdla can position the "Green Blue Infrastructure" at the European level (especially vis-à-vis the EU Commission). Due to the growing importance of foreign employees in German member offices, recommendations to universities regarding the training of foreign students are to be formulated. In this regard, it will also be examined whether there is support for planning offices in the integration of foreign employees.

Furthermore, ideas for bdla services for the internationally active bdla members are being developed. The committees has thus set itself an ambitious agenda.

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