
Obligation for further education of landscape architects and bdla events

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The obligation to provide further training for landscape architects is anchored in the architectural laws of the federal states.

The Federal Chamber of Architects states in this respect that the constant development of new techniques naturally also requires constant further training from architects and thus an expansion and updating of their knowledge. Only those who are up to date with the latest knowledge can work responsibly and with an eye to the future.

Consequently, landscape architects must not only ensure that they continue their education on a regular basis and to the necessary extent, but they must also ensure that the education they choose is recognized by the respective state chamber of architects in accordance with the respective continuing education regulations. Unfortunately, the continuing education regulations and the recognition practice are inconsistent in a nationwide comparison. As a result, the conditions for providers of nationwide continuing education, such as the bdla, are also varied.

The situation of the obligation for further training, the recognition of events of the bdla federal association as well as the handling of confirmations or recognitions are summarized in the following:

All participants in further training courses of the bdla Federal Association receive a certificate of further training. This contains the necessary information such as the title of the event, the date and the number of hours of further training acquired.
The bdla Federal Association regularly applies to the Chambers of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg for recognition as further training. These applications, which are subject to a fee, are submitted in good time before the event by the federal office; in each case, the two chambers examine the individual case. In the past applications of the bdla federal association for the acknowledgment of advanced training courses were recognized as a rule.
In addition, specialist events of professional associations, i.e. of the bdla among others, are generally recognised by the chambers of architects of the following federal states as further training for landscape architects: Berlin, Bremen, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia. For this, the bdla does not have to submit individual applications in advance. In the event of an examination by the chamber, landscape architects can prove their own further training with the further training certificates issued by the bdla.
A special case is the obligation for graduates to undergo further training in the course of their professional practice (e.g. AIP in Baden-Württemberg). Graduates are requested to contact their respective Chamber of Architects.

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