
Federal Environment Ministry presents draft for an urban nature master plan

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A new "Masterplan Stadtnatur" (Urban Nature Master Plan) is intended to significantly improve the framework conditions for nature in the city.

Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze has presented a corresponding draft. In it, she proposes 19 federal measures to promote species and biotope diversity in our cities. The draft is now being coordinated within the Federal Government.

This master plan for the implementation of the White Paper "Green in the City" for species and biotope diversity in cities had already been announced in the coalition agreement of the Federal Government. The authors set themselves ambitious goals in some areas. The program ranges from the legal strengthening of green infrastructure in urban development funding to the initiation of a nationwide convention on green space supply and recreational provision to an initiative for the inclusion of nature conservation concerns in vocational training and continuing education.

From the point of view of the bdla, the objectives of a legal anchoring of binding landscape planning at the municipal level and a strengthening of green space planning as a basis for qualified development planning are to be welcomed. It will have to be critically examined why the Masterplan predominantly cites - at the same time very desirable - objectives of urban nature conservation.

A "Federal Government Programme of Measures for a Living City", according to its self-chosen title, should be thematically more comprehensive. For example, one of the most important fields of action of the 2017 White Paper on Urban Greening, the multifunctional qualification and design of green spaces, could be more clearly acknowledged and comprehensively operationalised.

The master plan is already in the departmental coordination of the federal government. In a conversation with the bdla in mid-August, State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth announced a hearing of the associations. The bdla is already preparing its position on the master plan and will contribute the expertise of landscape architects to the upcoming consultations.

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