
Partial services and HOAI

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The basic services and their partial services in accordance with §39 (3) and Appendix 11.1 HOAI. With the 2013 version of the HOAI, the scope of services for outdoor installations was adjusted in the service phases. 62 partial services are assigned to the service phases. The service phases are evaluated with percentages. The legislator has so far rejected a weighting of the partial services.

Foto: S. Hofschlaeger,

Foto: S. Hofschlaeger,

The individual case and the specific requirements of the object are decisive. The topic remains exciting and requires good knowledge from all involved.

Ralph Wölffing-Seelig

With the letter of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) of 17 August 2017, partial performance tables have now been introduced for all performance profiles of object and specialist planning, i.e. also for outdoor facilities as part of the guidelines for the implementation of federal construction tasks, in short RBBau. Numerous other of these so-called splitting tables are used in practice. The multitude of splitting tables in publications and commentaries of the HOAI has to be surveyed. An overview is necessary, which is given with in the long version of the contribution - in the download.

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