
Bundestag adopts criteria for future urban development funding

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Among other things, green and open space design should be further strengthened as an element of sustainable urban development.

On 10 May 2019, the Bundestag adopted a motion by the CDU/CSU and SPD entitled "Urban development funding - a success story for local citizens". This calls on the Federal Government to strengthen urban development policy as a funding instrument for urban development solutions and to continue urban development funding at least at its current level.

Further development of urban development funding

The further development of urban development funding should take into account the requirements of climate change, digital change, and increased demands on the quality of design and living space, social infrastructure, and safety in public spaces.

The Bundestag also calls for a strategic link between housing promotion and urban development promotion. It also recommends the revitalisation of derelict industrial and commercial sites with regard to the remediation of contaminated sites.

bdla welcomes the political objectives

The bdla welcomes the political objectives to include the requirements of climate change, the increased demands on design and quality of stay, social infrastructure as well as safety in public spaces in the further development of urban development funding. Fortunately, the parliamentary groups are expressly in favour of further strengthening green and open space design as an element of sustainable urban development.

The bdla is currently conducting many discussions in the political arena to ensure that these objectives are also taken into account in the new conception of urban development funding by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.

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