On 4 September 2019, the Federal Cabinet adopted the "Insect Conservation Action Programme" at the proposal of Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze.
This is the Federal Government's most comprehensive package of measures to date for the protection of insects and their biodiversity. With concrete measures in nine areas of action, the programme addresses the main causes of insect mortality. The aim is to reverse the trend in the decline of insects and their biodiversity.
The Federal Government has underpinned the nine areas of action with more or less concrete measures. Fields of action and measures of the action programme include:
- Binding requirements through an insect protection law and parallel legal ordinances with amendments to nature conservation law, plant protection law, fertiliser law and water law.
- Protection and restoration of insect habitats in all landscape areas and in the city - especially fringe and edge biotopes
- Improvement of insect protection at water bodies with an amendment to the Water Resources Act and through the renaturation of water bodies and floodplains
- Measures to curb the vacuum cleaner effect on insects caused by light
- Strengthening insect protection in planning procedures
- Improve avoidance and compensation measures in terms of their effectiveness for insect protection
Further information on the website of the Federal Environment Ministry.
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