
Shooting of wolves: Hearing on the amendment of the Federal Nature Conservation Act

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On 9 December 2019, the first hearing on the proposed amendment to the Federal Nature Conservation Act was held in the Environment Committee of the Bundestag.

The focus was on the planned extended exemption regulations in nature conservation for the shooting of wolves.

Lawyer Professor Martin Gellermann pointed out that the extension of the grounds for exemption would affect all specially protected animal species such as lynx, peregrine falcon or osprey, whenever they cause sufficiently weighty damage in the area of a recreational or hobby activity.

The President of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Professor Beate Jessel, saw the planned amendment to the law as a contribution to a balance between species protection on the one hand and the interests of livestock farmers in particular on the other, in conformity with the Union and the constitution. The federal government and the federal states would have to support grazing livestock farmers in protecting their animals from wolves and provide adequate financial support for this.

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